Operation Roraima 2023 left from Margarita towards the Atlantic coast of Essequibo

Operation Roraima 2023 left from Margarita towards the Atlantic coast of Essequibo


A contingent of more than 180 combatants assigned to the Strategic Region of Comprehensive Insular Maritime Defense (Redimain) departed on the afternoon of Wednesday December 27th, from the Port Valdez dock in the island of Margarita as part of the operational deployment to the Atlantic front next to the Essequibo.

By Dexcy Guédez//Corresponsalía lapatilla.com

Admiral Ashraf Suleimán Gutiérrez, commander of Redimain, reported that thus began the operational deployment of the URRA of the institution he commands, all within the framework of Operation Roraima 2023 and in full exercise of national sovereignty.

“In the Tango 95 transport, with 180 soldiers on board left the island region towards Punta Barima to occupy the integral development sectors established by President Nicolás Maduro, for the defense of the development and articulation of those areas of the national territory and we are going with the best disposition, with the best attitude of trained combatants to guard Venezuelan territory and exercise sovereignty,” emphasized the Redimain commander.

This was made public through a video posted on the @venezuelaazul10 account on the X social network (formerly known as Twitter).

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