Florida is right to teach students about socialist evils

Florida is right to teach students about socialist evils

Photo: Reuters


Florida is trying to make sure that students know the historic nature of communism .

By Washington Examiner – Daniel Di Martino and Grace Jo

Jun 7, 2022

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis recently signed a bill establishing a “Victims of Communism Memorial Day.” Legislation passed in four other states has established that same official day. Still, Florida’s bill goes further than most. Alongside another bill DeSantis signed last year, the new bill requires that high schools teach students about the true history of socialism and communism. What’s more, schools are now required to hear first-hand testimony from immigrants like us two who have suffered under socialist regimes abroad.

We have a lot to say. We both fled socialism in our native countries.

When we came to América from Venezuela and North Korea , respectively, we realized we were finally free. Grace was born in 1991 in North Korea, where she suffered under the brutal dictatorship of the Kim dynasty, now led by Kim Jong Un. That evil regime killed six members of Grace’s family, including her father. She nearly starved to death. After multiple attempts to leave, only Grace, one of her sisters, and her mother survived a treacherous escape from North Korea.

Daniel grew up in Caracas, Venezuela. During his childhood and teenage years, his middle-class family sank into poverty thanks to hyperinflation. And as the Chavez-Maduro regime grew more powerful, Daniel found he had to wait in line for hours to buy basic items such as chicken and toilet paper. Thankfully, Daniel was able to come to América on a college scholarship, and now he’s working on a Ph.D. in economics at Columbia University.

Unfortunately, many of those suffering under authoritarian governments aren’t as lucky as we are.

Facing the rising number of Americans supporting the socialist ideas that led to the demise of our homelands, we’re at risk of losing the best safe haven we have. Few Americans know anything about North Korea’s brutal treatment of its people. A survey by Axios found that young people, including Democrats and Republicans, view capitalism more poorly and socialism more favorably than in past years. Overall, a staggering 4 in 10 Americans view socialism favorably, including nearly two-thirds of Democrats. Such ideas have consequences: 18 Democratic representatives in Congress just signed a letter asking the Biden administration to lift sanctions on Venezuela’s regime, blaming the United States for the humanitarian crisis – not the socialist policies of the regime.

Read More: Washington Examiner – Florida is right to teach students about socialist evils

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