RESUMEN: Así trascurrió la manifestación opositora de este #4Abr (Video)

RESUMEN: Así trascurrió la manifestación opositora de este #4Abr (Video)

Bolivarian police agents kick back a tear gas grenade, during clashes with Nicolas Maduro's government opposition activists in Caracas on April 4, 2017. Protesters clashed with police in Venezuela Tuesday as the opposition mobilized against moves to tighten President Nicolas Maduro's grip on power. Protesters hurled stones at riot police who fired tear gas as they blocked the demonstrators from advancing through central Caracas, where pro-government activists were also planning to march.  / AFP PHOTO / JUAN BARRETO
Bolivarian police agents kick back a tear gas grenade, during clashes with Nicolas Maduro’s government opposition activists in Caracas on April 4, 2017.
Protesters clashed with police in Venezuela Tuesday as the opposition mobilized against moves to tighten President Nicolas Maduro’s grip on power. Protesters hurled stones at riot police who fired tear gas as they blocked the demonstrators from advancing through central Caracas, where pro-government activists were also planning to march.


Este martes la oposición venezolana salió a las calles a manifestar por el golpe de Estados realizado al Poder Legislativo por parte del Tribunal Supremo de Justicia.

Capitolio TV, la televisora oficial de la Asamblea Nacional, realizó un breve resumen audiovisual de como los diputados acompañados de dirigentes políticos y sociedad civil, se defendían ante atroces represalias.

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